Book of 1 thessalonians commentary thessalonica

Believing that it was not safe for him to go back to thessalonica, paul asked. Introduction to 1 thessalonians bible exposition commentary. Nine of these book are letters to local churches like the one in thessalonica. M eugene boring i and ii thessalonians are letters written to the first, and then subsequent, generations of christian communities in thessalonica and the wider church. The establishment of the church is recorded in ac 17. Paul writes to the church at thessalonica to encourage believers. David guzik commentary on 1 thessalonians 1 describes how the gospel caused changes in the tessalonian christians, which caused them to become followers. The first epistle to the thessalonians, commonly referred to as first thessalonians or 1 thessalonians, is a pauline epistle of the new testament of the christian bible. Many gentiles in the church had come out of idolatry, which was not a particular problem among the jews of that time 1 thessalonians 1. Time and place of writing first thessalonians is considered one of pauls earliest epistles, if not the first.

Commentary on the epistles of paul to the tessalonians. In the church of thessalonica there were some misunderstandings about the return of christ. Grace to you and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ. The thessalonian epistles were written to the church at thessalonica. Thessalonians learn 1 new fun thing about the bible today. He spent three sabbaths there, but on account of the persecution of the jews, went from there to berea, then to athens, and then to corinth where he spent 18 months.

The verse reminds us that faith is not simply mental assent to the propositions of the gospel. After paul started the church in thessalonica, he wrote this first letter to the believers there within just a few months of leaving. Sep 14, 2019 1 thessalonians was an attempt to reconnect with the people of thessalonica. First thessalonians it is generally supposed that pauls first epistle to the thessalonians is the first book of the new testament that was ever written. We remember before our god and father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our. The gospel concerns the lord jesus christ, who was killed by the jews 1 th. First thessalonians is one of the first of pauls letters, or epistles, to churches. Can you summarize the book of 1 thessalonians 1thessalonians. Thessalonians learn 1 new fun thing about the bible. And for a couple hundred years, scholars have gone back and forth and debated whether 2 thessalonians was written by paul. It is likely the first of pauls letters, probably written by the end of ad 52. David guzik commentary on 1 thessalonians 1 describes how the gospel caused. Title in the greek nt, 1 thessalonians is listed literally as to the thessalonians. When you read 1 and 2 thessalonians, it seems pretty obvious that the apostle paul wrote them because his name is at the beginning of both the letters.

So, we know that they wrote the letter during that journey. This summary of the book of 1 thessalonians provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of 1 thessalonians. Thessalonica, now called by the turks salonichi, a mere corruption of its ancient name, is a seaport town of turkey in europe. Paul, silas and timothy, to the church of the thessalonians in god the father and the lord jesus christ. Thessalonica was located fifty miles west of philippi and about one hundred miles north of athens. In pauls day, the region in which thessalonica was located was known as macedonia. The book of 1 thessalonians was written in approximately a. Paul, and silvanus, and timotheus, unto the church of the thessalonians which is in god the.

Best books on 1 thessalonians the earlier epistles of st. It was cicero who said, thessalonica is in the bosom of the empire. Christian citizens were accused of defying caesar because they said the true king was jesus ttp, 61. Aug 04, 20 1 thessalonians role in the bible first thessalonians is the eighth of pauls letters. Summary of the book of 1 thessalonians bible survey.

More books of the new testament were written by the apostle paul than any other new testament. Pauls personal reflections of the thessalonians chs. After paul and his company left, the persecution and suffering wasnt over for the saints in thessalonica. Best commentaries and books on 1 thessalonians logos. Only modern form critics have seriously doubted the pauls authorship and the authenticity of 1 thessalonians, but their conclusions have not convinced many scholars. Despite the hostile environment the new believers experienced in. We can be sure about this, and about the date, from the letter and the book of the acts. The lexham research commentary is your starting point for study and. Silas was only with paul on his second main journey. Time and place of writing first thessalonians is considered one.

It is suggested that silas did come and was sent to philippi, because of pauls statement about the churches of macedonia sending money by the. Macedonia was the former kingdom of alexander the great he wanted one world domination and enlightenment with the culture of greece. This represents the apostle pauls first canonical correspondence to the church in the city of thessalonica. The book of 2 thessalonians has not always been accepted as pauline and has been attacked on several. Study 1 thessalonians using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. The city was first named therma because of the hot springs in that area. Macedonia was the former kingdom of alexander the great he wanted one. Thanksgiving for the thessalonians faith we always thank god for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. Paul continued his second missionary journey to thessalonica, having also silas and timothy with him acts 17. Study 1 thessalonians using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. The apostle paul identified himself twice as the author of this letter 1. We may have been able to look at those in the sports world to serve as patterns to follow. When paul first came to thessalonica, silas came with him acts 17. Good bible study requires defining the meaning of keywords, studying parallel passages, explaining the meaning of the text clearly.

It was founded by cassander, king of macedon 315 b. Second thessalonians is the theological sequel to first thessalonians. This was the beginning of spreading the gospel from the continent of asia to the continent of europe. It is unusual in that it was written only a short time after the apostle had left the citypossibly not over six months in time. Silas is his name in the book of acts, written by luke. Summary two letters that paul wrote to the church in thessalonica are preserved in the new testament. Thessalonica was an invaluable center for the spread of the gospel.

In times past, we may have looked to our civic leaders to be good examples for us. Thessalonica thessalonica was the capital of northern greece macedonia and the most populated city in the province 65,000 to 80,000 people within the city, and 100,000 living directly without the wall. The letter was written to the church in thessalonica 1. He is enthusiasticboth about the thessalonians faith and about the way in which they have. This is why paul tells them to encourage one another 1.

This narrative recounts pauls work in the city of thessalonica during his second missionary journey. Perhaps musicians and artists of continue reading 1 thessalonians 1 summary verses 810. Paul, silas, and timothy visited thessalonica on pauls second missionary journey note. Not only is 1 thessalonians the first of two letters to the church at thessalonica, it. At his request, timothy and silas had remained behind and gone on to thessalonica. Bible study questions on the book of 1 thessalonians. Thessalonica the founding of the church at thessalonica the epistles to the thessalonian believers the blessed hope the order of pauls epistles the abiding trinity 7 chapter i i thessalonians 1. Going to thessalonica transferred the ministry of the gospel to western civilization. Not only is 1 thessalonians the first of two letters to the church at thessalonica, it is pauls first letter period. Paul wrote this letter to strengthen and encourage the church in thessalonica. The problem of idleness in thessalonica 1 thessalonians 4. Oct 05, 2020 not long after his initial visit to thessalonica, paul was in corinth, where he wrote two letters that we now call 1 and 2 thessalonians, addressed to the newfound church in thessalonica. Paul and silas were forced to leave the church in thessalonica because of the intense persecution. Irenaeus quoted 1 thessalonians by namehe wrote around a.

When paul preached the gospel in thessalonica, he proclaimed that the. Paul fills in the background details surrounding pauls. Commentary on the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 1 1paul and silvanus and timothy, to the church of the thessalonians in god the father and the lord jesus christ. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. It was right in the center or the heart of the empire and was the chief city of macedonia.

Best commentaries and books on 1 thessalonians logos bible. Book of 1 thessalonians matthew henry bible commentary. The second missionary journey, first epistle of the apostle paul, jailer, macedonian churches. And then mentions the sure evidences of the good success of the gospel among. The key personalities in this book are the apostle paul, timothy, and silas. What is the history and significance of the church at. The epistle is attributed to paul the apostle, and is addressed to the church in thessalonica, in modernday greece. Best resources on 1 thessalonians paul writes to the church at thessalonica to encourage believers. Book of 1 thessalonians matthew henrys bible commentary. Explaining the book of 1 thessalonians archives explaining.

This summary of the book of 1 thessalonians provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of 1 thessalonians. Both lists of canonical books of the nt circulated in rome. Despite such ominous beginnings, a strong church was established in thessalonica cf. Preface to the first epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalonians. Scholars agree that 1 thessalonians is an authentic pauline letter, written within. Study the bible online using commentary on 1 thessalonians 1 and more. Thessalonica to see about their condition and to comfort them even though it meant being alone in a strange city himself 1 thessalonians 3. He is enthusiasticboth about the thessalonians faith and about the way in which they have shared the good news of jesus in their region 1 thess 1. Paul wrote his first letter to the thessalonian church from the city of corinth around ad 51, just a few months after having preached in thessalonica on his second missionary journey. Constables notes on 1 thessalonians 2021 edition could have been his first inspired epistle.

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our lord jesus christ, in the sight of god and our father. Book of first thessalonians overview insight for living. On his second missionary journey, paul and his companions silas and timothy had just left philippi and passed through amphipolis and apollonia to arrive at thessalonica. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 1. Though some of the jews believed on the preaching of paul and silas, acts 17. A free bible commentary on the first letter to the thessalonians in easyenglish. Thessalonica was and still is an important seaport about 185 miles 300 km north of athens. Thessalonica modern salonica, lies near the ancient site of therma on the thermaic gulf at the northern reaches of the aegean sea. Book of first thessalonians overview insight for living ministries. Interesting facts about 1 thessalonians bible charts. We learn from the book of acts that during pauls stay in the city of thessaloni.

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