Book of mormon evidences in peru

My new book, nephi in the promised land is now available in the nephi project discovery store. Why sister aburtos husband missed the 1990 fifa world cup in order to read the book of mormon sister reyna i. Non mormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. It is just one of several complex forms of literary parallelism that are common to other ancient semitic writings. It was believed to be situated somewhere near cuzco, peru, where the problems of. See hundreds of full hourlong presentations, go to. This video goes through a wide potpourri of book of mormon evidences which have not been discussed on prior videos. For many years, critics have challenged the veracity of a religious text called the book of mormon. Faithfully exploring latterday topics of our times. Ancient peru means present day peru and the surrounding countries of bolivia, ecuador.

Archaeological evidence indicates that these ancient jaredite people, who according to the book of mormon lived on the western hemisphere from approximately 2500 b. Precolumbian american sunflower and maize images in indian. I eliminated peru as the heartland of the book of mormon, since the archaeological evidence is minimal and the. Hiram bingham american archaeologist and united states senator. In assessing the broad impact of jack welchs discovery of chiasmus in the book of mormon, robert smith concludes. Two of the most prevalent claims for the book of mormon are, there is much archaeological proof to the book of mormon, and the american indians are descendants of israelites who came to america as described in the book of mormon. To date, no actual evidence to confirm the book of mormon has been found, although many lds believers have faith that it will be uncovered in the future. According to the book of mormon, bountiful was one of the first areas settled by the nephites, ancient people who supposedly sailed from israel.

Some place the geography of the book in upstate new york or near the great lakes. His latest newsletter dated oct, 2009, says, 10 reasons why the book of mormon took place in peru by george potter my new book, nephi in the promised land is now available in the nephi project discovery. However, no archaeological evidence has been discovered of metalworking in mesoamerica until the first century bc, long after the fall of the olmec civilization 400200 bce, and only scant evidence exists of any metalwork in mesoamerica before ad 900. Sep 29, 2017 the book of mormon tells of king noah being executed for crimes in a lengthy ceremony similar to the mayan execution ritual. New archaeological discoveries in peru show how the history of the andes is remarkably consistent with the nephite civilization and its religion. Much evidence exists to support the claims made by the book of mormon native american evidences of book of mormon contents.

The book of mormon begins in a wellknown location, jerusalem, in 600 b. Precolumbian american sunflower and maize images in indian temples. Others look to peru and south america, or to the baja peninsula, or texas, and some even propose the. But actually, if you look at the archaeology thats been discovered in the. The ancient maya, in particular, constructed and used highways in a manner that fits the form and. Resistdyeing as a possible ancient transoceanic transfer.

Stephen smoot at book of mormon central walks viewers through the discovery of nahom and what it means for book of mormon evidence. Welch, a steady stream of significant recognitions, in echoes and evidences. Textual evidences for the book of mormon religious studies. Evidence of contact between civilizations in india and america. Book of mormon peoples, that is, colonists from mesoamerica, did reach the coasts of ecuador and peru. Some possible book of mormon evidence in peru burial site for 2000 stripling warriors, etc. In contrast, the earliest evidence of metal working in mesoamerica is about 900 ad. This is the definitive work on the heartland geography. Professionally recorded and edited in studio with rod. The book of mormon was translated from golden plates.

The gold plates are evidence that the book of mormon took place in peru why peru and not mesoamerica. Let us examine some external evidences bearing on the question of whether book of mormon peoples from mesoamerica reached peru. See all formats and editions hide other formats and editions. Five compelling archeological evidences for the book of mormon. Ken krogue levels of scripture study and the isaiah chapters of the book of mormon trailer. Discussion regarding the historicity of the book of mormon often focuses on archaeological issues, some of which relate to the large size and the long time span of the civilizations mentioned in the book. Oct 14, 2009 george is a proponent that the book of mormon lands are in peru. The first speaker was a peruvian with a heavy accent. Book of mormon archaeology is real, authentic, scientifically researched, a proven fact.

Civilizations of their magnitude and duration would be expected to leave extensive archaeological records. The book is used by nearly thirteen million individuals who read it along with the holy bible, believing that both were written by prophets and contain the words of god. We can now test certain proper names in the book of mormon in the light of actual names from lehis world, unknown in the time of joseph smith. Chiasmus in the book of mormon is evidence of an ancient origin, not conclusive proof. In the past forty years book of mormon scholars have produced much textual evidence for a vorlage of ancient near eastern descent for the received text of the book of mormon. In this article i discuss what the original manuscript of. H internal evidences the book of mormon forms of government consistent with the times and circumstances under which they existed. Warning themes in the book of mormon and the condemnation that resteth upon the children of zion trailer. Claims book of mormon archaeology is based upon scant evidence is deception for the masses. How peruvian myths about a god appearing to the people. To dismiss the book of mormon on archaeological grounds is shortsighted, as continuing discoveries provide ever more evidence that is consistent with the book. A contemporary mormon view is that these civilizations rose and fell in mesoamerica. Archaeological evidence and the book of mormon fair. Evidence for this is included in relevant onlineprimary textual corpora.

Archaeological and historical evidence jareditesolmecs. Since the publication of the book of mormon in 1830, members and leaders of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints have expressed numerous opinions about the specific locations of the events discussed in the book. Divinely sanctioned governments by joseph smith foundation. Since the publication of the book of mormon in 1830, mormon archaeologists have attempted to find archaeological evidence to support it. For a little background, nahom is mentioned only once in the book of mormon, in 1 nephi 16. Native american writings are potentially strong evidence that the occurrences described in the book of mormon actually happened. There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to directly support the book of mormon or the nephites and lamanites, who were supposed to have numbered in the millions. The land of the book of mormon brigham distributing.

Ritual sacrifice both human sacrifice and animal sacrifices occurred in ancient america. April 2021 virtual expo 27th book of mormon evidence conference firm foundation. Nonmormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. George is a proponent that the book of mormon lands are in peru. Yet most of this material has provided only necessary and not sufficient evidence for this vorlage. Book of mormon evidences, part one discusses some of the many factors supporting the plausibility of the book of mormon as an ancient document. An entirely new approach to the study of book of mormon geography. George potters newest dvd, peru the land the book of mormon. The question has been asked, did book of mormon peoples reach peru. In brief, table 2 lists only a few other numerous chiastic studies, as well as a range of hebraic styles. It is part of a collection that includes book of mormon evidences, part two, book of mormon evidences, part three, and book of mormon nuggets contrary to the claims of our critics, there are many interesting findings that make it difficult to explain. Book of mormon evidence the mormon church, mormonism. Sign in create account book of mormon evidence streaming.

In order for material in the book of mormon to be sufficient evidence for an ancient near eastern vorlage, as i am using. Fair is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing welldocumented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Dec 03, 2009 george has recently shifted his focus from the old world to the new world. The following is an excerpt from the book nephi in the promised land by george potter. Andthey would snatch our books of mormon away, these must be. Is there archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. See why peru is by far the best candidate for the land of the nephites. More evidences that the book of mormon is a true history springville, utah. Sep 25, 2018 because the book of mormon mentions highways, readers may wonder if the remains of prominent ancient roads have been discovered in the americas. The internal consistency of these descriptions is one of the striking features of the book of mormon. I have watched more than 20 hours of wayne may book of mormon lecture videos and conversed with both wayne may and rod meldrum in person. Peru shows evidence of minor cultures in existence during book of mormon time, but certainly not to the extent that the book of mormon seems to require and not to the extent of civilizations already discovered. For a fuller treatment, see doubled, sealed, witnessed documents. Lets look at examples where the earth in time has provided answers to questions joseph smith would have been utterly unable to know.

He cited evidence from his 1912 excavations at machu picchu, which were. Ken krogue nano silver technology in health and selfreliance. Ancient israelites did come to america over 2400 years ago. An ancient american book salt lake city and provo, ut. There has been much criticism by critics of the book of mormon that no. See richard lloyd anderson, investigating the book of mormon witnesses salt lake city.

Archaeological evidences discovered since the coming forth of the book of mormon and the facts of history point toward the accuracy of many details of its historic account. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. His latest newsletter dated oct, 2009, says, 10 reasons why the book of mormon took place in peru. Pattern and purpose of the isaiah commentaries in the book of mormon. Oct 29, 2008 illuminating the credibility of the book of mormon through archaeological photographs. Jun 17, 2017 the site at nahom even dates back to lehis time period. Finding proof of book of mormon in south america nephicode. External evidences of the book of mormon byu scholarsarchive. Though most experts on the archaeology of the book of mormon believe that the immediate descendants of father lehi lived in mesoamerica, president sharp. Mar 02, 2020 the argument many have used to try and dismiss the book of mormon is the lack of evidence. Notable systems of highways were indeed constructed by several ancient american societies, and their remains have long been studied by archaeologists. Archaeology is not a dead science, and it continues to make new inroads that are applicable to book of mormon studies. Geographic evidences supporting the book of mormon.

Book of mormon evidence streaming faithfully exploring. There is little doubt that a true blossoming of such studies has taken place in recent decades r smith, 2007. Hill cumorah wayne may shows the writings of joseph smith jr. Fulfilling the prophecies religious studies center. Peruvian setting for the book of mormon mormon matters. Growing evidence that symbols used in the book of mormon were part of the cultural milieu of lehis worldand not joseph smiths new yorkstrongly supports the divine and ancient origin of the book of mormon echoes and evidences of the book of mormon, ed. Remarkable book of mormon evidences hidden in plain sight. Get insights into latterday prophesy and learn how prophesies in the bible and other books of scripture have been fulfilled and how they may yet be fulfilled. Wayne may presents the supporting evidence for the heartland model, that the book of mormon nephites and jaredites lived in north america. On sale now the annotated book of mormon book of mormon evidence ezra taft benson 48. Although historians and archaeologists consider the book to be an anachronistic invention of joseph smith, many members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church and other denominations of the latter day saint movement believe that it. T hroughout central america and north america one can visit the ruins of mounds, pyramids, and even the remains of accurate celestial observatories. How peruvian myths about a god appearing to the people echo.

There are several theories held among latterday saints for the location of book of mormon lands. Apologetics press the book of mormon and the ancient evidence. Evidences in proof of the book of mormon, being a divinely inspired record, written by the forefathers of the natives whom we call indians, who are a remnant of the tribe of joseph, and hid up in the earth,but come forth in fulfilment of prophesy for the gathering of israel and the reestablishing of the kingdom of god upon the earth. Peru some possible book of mormon evidence in peru burial site for 2000 stripling warriors, etc. Incas, peru, and book of mormon archaeology tired road warrior.

Is there evidence that the golden plates ever really. Aburto, excerpted from reaching for the savior my husband carlos joined the church of jesus christ of latterday saints in mexico, together with his family, when he was nine years old. Textual evidences for the book of mormon religious. The book of mormon describes both within the time frame in accordance with the law of moses. Welch first pointed out the existence of chiasms in the book of mormon in his masters thesis, a study relating chiasmus in the book of mormon to chiasmus in the old testament, ugaritic epics, homer, and selected greek and latin authors, brigham young university, 1970, including alma 36 on pages 12831. Welch, a steady stream of significant recognitions, in echoes and evidences of the book of mormon, ed. Maxwell institute for religious scholarship, 20, 322. Book of mormon archaeology has long been a favorite interest of.

The gold plates are evidence that the book of mormon took. The site at nahom even dates back to lehis time period. The machu picchu peru the izapa stela 5 tree of life stone carving. This over 2000year time period, allow them to spread out over the land from at least as far south as peru, traveling by boat along the west coast. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand. Book of mormon evidences mormonism, the mormon church. Book of mormon evidences in ancient america hardcover january 1, 1950 5. Others look to peru and south america, or to the baja peninsula, or texas, and some even propose the malaysian peninsula. In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove. For instance, the populations and civilizations described in the book of mormon were likely too small only a few million to fill entire continents. Parry, hebraisms and other ancient peculiarities in the book of mormon, in echoes and evidences.

Mar 26, 2016 the material below covers the geography of the book of mormon in north america. The institutes flagship publication, now titled journal of book of mormon and other restoration scripture, has published many articles dealing with internal and external evidences over the years. Is there evidence for book of mormon highways in ancient. The existence of so many hebrew and egyptian names and phrases in the book of mormon is strong evidence of its truthfulness.

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